The Quest Chronicle blog and its origins
In early 2021, it was suggested that I set up a blog to document the “100-years-ago” story of the Shackleton-Rowett Expedition as an unfolding diary. The blog launched in March 2021 and ran though the year up to January 4 2022, the eve of the centenary of Sir Ernest Shackleton’s death at South Georgia. By this time, I had decided that the story should be presented in a book and so transferred efforts to that cause – resulting in The Quest Chronicle being published in September 2022. This part of our website contains just some of the posts from the original blog.
Blog posts are listed below in reverse chronological order.
Jan Chojecki
June 1921 – the team assemble – Part 1
Frank Wild (48) : Second-in-Command on the Quest, as he was on the Endurance expedition. […]
2 June 1921
Thursday 2 June 1921 At a dinner at the Savoy Restaurant, London, the menu is […]
17-31 May 1921
Friday 20 May 1921 Ernest Shackleton visits the Rowetts at Ely Place and stays the […]